As VP of Group Sales & Strategic Accounts for Hilton, I want to extend my personal thanks and sincere applause to planners everywhere for continuing to execute meaningful events and successful meetings while navigating the post pandemic landscape. I know I don’t have to tell you that business travel and in-person events are making a much faster recovery than predicted or expected!
To help you prepare your stakeholders for the year ahead, we’ve taken a look at the major changes affecting our industry and are offering up our insights around what to expect when planning and while on property, plus tips to explain the “why?” driving effective decision making to your key stakeholders.
Hilton has published the Hilton What to Expect in 2022 white paper, which addresses this and more. Take a few minutes to read and feel free to share with colleagues.
Hilton, and I, value your input and I ask that you keep telling us what you need and want to know more about—and we will continue to listen loudly. We aim to remain your trusted advisor as we continue to navigate through the post-pandemic world. As always, please reach out to your Hilton Worldwide Sales contact for any assistance and guidance.